Friday, December 13, 2013

The chance

A woman and a man meet
when they are not looking,
within their silence
their souls catch fire.

Their bodies pause
as their secrets come unfastened,
memories cascade out
 like friends with surprises.

They find a time
 which stretches their sense of life,
as they welcome messengers
from other worlds.

Far inside arises a feeling
that will end only when they have
completed what they are called to live.

They breathe together
and consider each other’s hearts,
making room , even for the dark.

They grow apart so they can be together.
Their one candle requires two flames.
Their sexual affirms and brings a future.
Music sounds that only they can hear.

They meet difficulty.
Their wild natures test their strength.
They feel invaded by coincidences
They face the severe consequences of remaining asleep.

Time makes them weaker and more familiar.
They look back and find reasons to quit.
They find God only after the worst has happened.

The war between them they discover is inside each of them.
They find they can only say Yes after they have learned to say No.
Something is whispered in both of them that remains as courage.

They hold on, as they fear for their lives
They are bound together by a force that is so deep  it is simple
For their love has blessed even their misunderstandings, their loneliness, their differences, they’re being friends, and strangers to each other